Our Guestbook has been closed for new entries, and is archived. For any feedback, contact us.
Name mo
Location United Kingdom
Thank you very much for winxp in dos setup.
 | 16/02/2005 00:01 |
Name Emily
Location Belgium
Eej i'm Emily :d:d who are the 2 dudes who maked that "clip" on System on a Down?? it really rocks!! :d:d ******* add me please please do that! thanks xxx See yah!!
 | 12/02/2005 23:22 |
Name Work At Home Mom
Location USA
Hello All!
 | 09/02/2005 13:32 |
Name Sarah
Location United States
~Nice site~
 | 04/02/2005 05:04 |
Name Andy Wayne
Location USA
Great website! Keep up the good work!
 | 02/02/2005 23:31 |
Name music down loads
Location USA
Keep up good job!
 | 02/02/2005 23:28 |
Name DBH
Location United Kingdom
Good site folks - I\'m impressed! Keep it up!
 | 31/01/2005 07:57 |
Name Al
Location Canada
I bought ultima 7 a long time back and never really took the time to play it until recently. I must say, this site has really increased my interest level in the game! Thanks for making an old thing seem exciting and new again...good job! Best ultima 7 site ever, bar none
 | 23/01/2005 18:08 |
Name coucou
Location paris
Bravo pour ton site ! de robert
| 19/01/2005 00:46 |
Name tom
great site
 | 08/01/2005 00:01 |
Guestbook Home Modified By Ganesh for Bootstrike.Com.