Our Guestbook has been closed for new entries, and is archived. For any feedback, contact us.
Name Lisa
Location United Kingdom
U2 the best game EVER! Thank you for this great site!
 | 20/06/2004 02:51 |
Name David
Location Germany
I \'ve been visting this site for half a year now and i am still laughing about every ultima joke 
Its a really , really great site. All hail Ultima + Planescape!
 | 16/06/2004 19:53 |
Name Gerardo Novegil
Location Uruguay
The best game of all times, all the action, the history the reality is \"Planescape Torment\"
 | 29/05/2004 02:19 |
Name Ross Milne
Location United Kingdom
Fantastic clear concise Step Step tutorial that cured my XP installation problems!
 | 22/05/2004 00:28 |
Name Andersen
Location Finland
Gotta love this site, especially Ultima Worlds. :p
 | 04/05/2004 04:51 |
Name Wooster
Location United Kingdom
Nice to see this still going - its 2004!!!!!
 | 03/05/2004 22:34 |
Name fable
Location Canada
simply the best
 | 03/05/2004 12:26 |
Name Osama
Location Germany
top site
 | 25/04/2004 05:43 |
Name Beliar
Location Germany
I love this site. As U7 was released here in germany, I did spend two straight weeks in front of the pc, playing that great game. The follow up 7/2 was even better and since then I\'m a HUGE Ultima Fan!
I was very glad to find your site and sorry as it went down.
Great to see it\'s back up as great as ever 
May Bootstrike have many more years on the net.
Greets Beliar
 | 24/04/2004 09:41 |
Name swazy
Location United Kingdom
 | 14/04/2004 04:37 |
Guestbook Home Modified By Ganesh for Bootstrike.Com.