Our Guestbook has been closed for new entries, and is archived. For any feedback, contact us.
Name john erana
Location Australia
i like your site.
 | 14/07/2011 15:23 |
Name JP
Location Finland
Greetings, from Finland!
You have very nice sites. With pleasure, I obviously bookmarked this. I must dig deeper here to find out, what all you have here... More something cool...?
 | 17/07/2010 00:05 |
Name wk.z
Thanks for the site. I missed Planescape Torment for I was too yound when the game was released and it\'\'s a really pleasnt surprise that after all those years there are people who dedicated to keeping it up-to-date and those who track all those changes and provide them in easy-to-understand way.
 | 17/04/2010 15:18 |
Name jLone
Location Malaysia
Great job & dedication from you! Keep the flame burning!
 | 28/03/2010 11:19 |
Name David
Location United States
Excellent ressource and tribute to the greatest rpg ever!
 | 19/12/2009 06:49 |
Name Anouk
Location Australia
Thanks! This site was very useful.
 | 24/09/2009 13:57 |
Name Chris
Location United States
I just wanted to say thank you for the php domain name search script. I\'\'ve been looking for a good implementation of this for a while and I appreciate it very much and will be sure to link back to you. Thanks.
 | 22/02/2009 12:57 |
Name benjamin
Location Australia
I still play these games from time to time.
Although the inventory bug thwarts me, even after I patch it.
I do hoard items though.
p.s. there\'\'s some comment about there not being gargoyles, but there are graves for gargoyles in the tombs.
 | 07/10/2008 16:31 |
Name Adam
Location Canada
The Ultima series has been one of the most inspiring and memorable games of all time. The story is excellent and the characters rich and full of life. After Ultima Onlines success I realized this epic universe would be a once in a life time experience, and so far I\'ve been right. Nothing else has come close.
 | 06/05/2008 07:00 |
Name Eric
Location United States
I love the Ultima games and now enjoy playing them on dosbox/exult!!! Glad I found this made me dig up my old games...the good ol days. Nice work guys!
 | 05/10/2007 15:26 |
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