Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds
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Ultima Underworld II Spell List by Extreme A.I.

Spell List

The following is a complete list of spells for Ultima Underworld 2. The list includes ALL spells for the game, including those which can only be found through trial and error, and those you must learn throught the game. (Yes there are spells that aren't list anywheres, and can't be found anywheres.)

The are place alphabeticly in your runebag, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out which rune is which. Please note at the bottom of this list there is a list of spells of unknown levels.

Many thanks must be extended to Shadow Lord for help in compiling this list.

- Extreme A.I.

[12-Sep-2013] Received an anonymous submission: Uus Des Por - Bounce

| Spells of the 1st Circle      | Spells of the 2nd Circle          |
|                               |                                   |
| IN MANI        Create Food    | QUAS CORP       Cause Feat        |
| IN LOR         Light          | WIS MANI        Detect Monster    |
| ORT JUX        Magic Arrow    | IN BET MANI     Lesser Heal       |
| BET IN SANCT   Resist Blows   | IN JUX          Rune Of Warding   |
| SANCT LOR      Stealth        | REL DES POR     Slow Fall         |
| WIS JUX        Detect Traps   | ORT WIS JUX     Deadly Seeker     |
| BET ORT IN     Luck           | IN FLAM JUX     Flame Rune        |
|                               |                                   |
| Spells of the 3rd Circle      | Spells of the 4th Circle          |
|                               |                                   |
| REL SANCT LOR  Conceal        | IN MANI         Heal              |
| ORT GRAV       Lightning      | UUS HUR POR     Levitate          |
| QUAS LOR       Night Vision   | NOX MANU        Poison            |
| REL TYM POR    Speed          | AN JUX          Remove Trap       |
| SANCT JUX      Strengthen Door| SANCT FLAM      Resist Fire       |
| JUX MANI       Bleeding       | GRAV SANCT POR  Missle Protection |
| YLEM POR       Water Walk     | WIS MANI        Study Monster     |
|                               |                                   |
| Spells of the 5th Circle      | Spells of the 6th Circle          |
|                               |                                   |
| AN NOX         Cure Poison    | VAS IN LOR      Daylight          |
| POR FLAM       Fireball       | VAS REL POR     Gate Travel       |
| ORT WIS YLEM   Identify       | VAS IN MANI     Greater Heal      |
| EX YLEM        Open           | AN EX POR       Paralyze          |
| AN CORP MANI   Smite Undead   | QUAS REL WIS    Charm             |
| ORT POR YLEM   Telekenisis    | VAS SANCT LOR   Invisibility      |
| IN TYM JUX     Time Trap      | VAS ORT GRAV    Sheet Lightning   |
|                               |                                   |
| Spells of the 7th Circle      | Spells of the 8th Circle          |
|                               |                                   |
| IN MANI REL    Ally           | FLAM HUR        Flame Wind        |
| VAS AN WIS     Mass Confusion | AN TYM          Freeze Time       |
| ORT AN QUAS    Reveal         | IN VAS SANCT    Iron Flesh        |
| ORT POR GRAV   Magic Satellite| VAS MANI        Restore           |
| VAS EX YLEM    Portal         | ORT POR WIS     Roaming Sight     |
| JUX HUR        Shockwave      | VAS POR YLEM    Tremor            |
|                               | VAS HUR POR     Fly               |
| Spells of Unknown Levels      | Spells of Unknown Levels          |
|                               |                                   |
| VAS ORT YLEM   Enchant Item   | BET WIS EX      Locate            |
| AN KAL CORP    Repel Undead   | REL SANCT YLEM  Mending           |
| KAL AN MANI    Summon Demon   | IN AN FLAM      Frost Wind        |
| VAS JUX MANU   Great Bleeding | QUAS AN CORP    Courage           |
|                               |                                   |

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