This section is all about Ultima VII: Serpent Isle. It's aim is to host
every Ultima VII file and document out there in Internet. Go straight to the Ultima 7 walkthroughs section!
So far the site boasts over 40 MB of binary downloads and over 3 MB of online TEXT and HTML documents.
NEWS just in! EA games including the Ultima Series will now be available for download @ GOG!
6th March 2021
Here are some hacks to make Ultima VII more easy to use - Changes focus on improving usability - allowing the player to do things more easily or more directly - and on adding keyboard control to what was a largely mouse-driven game.
These modify the game files directly and adds many usability features. More info
17th Sept 2010 1355 GMT+8
Added Dark Path Map by Lothiam. Serpent Gates layout. Shows you where all the teleport pads lead you to.
13th Aug 2007 1300 GMT+8
Play the Ultima VII series in your PSP!
See the map of Ultima VII in your browser. Zoom In, Zoom Out with even a 3D view!
25th Apr 2006 1920 GMT+8
Updated the Serpent Isle Box Shots with bigger ones. Find it here!
22nd Feb 2005 2230 GMT+8
Added Hacki's Ultima VII: Serpent Isle Nitpicks. Interesting reading about the holes in the story line.
September 22 2002 GMT+8
November 3 2000 GMT+8