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Windows Vista Guides

Started on 13th February 2007, this section focuses on Windows Vista guides and tutorials.

Here are the Windows Vista Guides:

Things worth a Note

Windows Vista Released. IE7 Released.

Microsoft rolls out Vista RTM (Release to Manufacturing) and Internet Explorer 7. Have yet to play around with Vista yet, but what I have heard are good reviews. I would give it some time before jumping into the scene so that major bugs could be fixed.

I have personally tried Internet Explorer and went back to Internet Explorer 6 after about 20 minutes of playing with it. I have so much complaints that I have created a article - Why Internet Explorer 7 Sucks - just to list them.

In fact, I am now using a variation of IE6. Maxthon. If you are a hardcore IE6 fan, try Maxthon 1 (not Maxthon2, which sucks like IE7). It supports multiple tabs, doesn't have any buttons on the tab rows and best of all, uses the fast IE engine to render pages.

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