Windows XP Guides
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Windows XP Guides

Started on 3rd December 2001, this section focuses on Windows XP guides and tutorials.

Here are the Windows XP Guides:

Things worth a Note

Windows Vista Released. IE7 Released.

Microsoft rolls out Vista RTM (Release to Manufacturing) and Internet Explorer 7. Have yet to play around with Vista yet, but what I have heard are good reviews. I would give it some time before jumping into the scene so that major bugs could be fixed.

I have personally tried Internet Explorer and went back to Internet Explorer 6 after about 20 minutes of playing with it. I have so much complaints that I have created a article - Why Internet Explorer 7 Sucks - just to list them.

In fact, I am now using a variation of IE6. Maxthon. If you are a hardcore IE6 fan, try Maxthon 1 (not Maxthon2, which sucks like IE7). It supports multiple tabs, doesn't have any buttons on the tab rows and best of all, uses the IE engine to render pages.

Windows Vista Coming Soon

The next version of Windows XP is Windows Vista. Some of the most note worthy features of this new operating system is the Windows Aero User Interface, Widgets, Internet Explorer 7, Super Administrator account and, with all these, heavier system requirements,

The user interface is almost a whole new change, well, almost. The usual window features of Restore, Minimize and Maximize are all still there, but in a different visual form. Widgets, something like Google IG, allow placement of mini-applications like an animated clock on the desktop.

And with Firefox gaining on, Microsoft has come up with Internet Explorer 7. It comes with support for multiple tabs, CSS enhancements and a "limited mode" running process. The main aim of the release is to combat viruses and spyware infections. This, and combined with the Super Administrator account, which is a account setup in the computer with full privileges and will pop up to ask you whenever you perform system changes, ensures a clean virus-free experience.

Overall, one of the things that I don't like is the Super Administrator Account. I have read articles describing the process of answering Yes to lots of dialog boxes just to delete a desktop shortcut. Hey, I know what I am doing - lemme have the Super Administrator privileges to my account 'kay? I need no stinkin' super account to confirm my actions. Otherwise, it looks good!

Windows XP on a Apple Intel

First was the $13,000 prize money for the person who could make Windows XP run on a Intel Apple Macintosh. The solution was good, but driver support was weak. Next was Apple Boot Camp - and it came with full driver support - and faster by some reports, but you could not switch to the other OS without rebooting. And now, a company is touting about running OS X and Windows XP side by side at once.

Clearly, Apple users are on the shores of Windows XP and are exploring a new world of games, applications and multimedia. However, they will also be prone to the viruses, spyware and malware that plaque the web. What's more, they did not have such problems with OS X and most would not be aware of them. The first few weeks will be hard, but for those users that make the effort to learn and counter the problems, they will be experiencing a whole new world of possibilities with Windows XP.

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