Underworld I is another great game to try out. A 3D-like environment,
completely cool story and music that brings you into the game.
Run Ultima Underworld I/II in Windows XP / Vista / 7
6th March 2021
Here are some hacks to make Ultima Underworld I more easy to use - The biggest change is the addition of mouse-look (looking around by moving the mouse), which can be toggled on and off with a keypress.
These modify the game files directly and adds many usability features. More info
4 Feb 2015: Ultima Underworld Ascendant - Kickstarter
Far more than a dungeon crawl, Underworld Ascendant is a next-generation sequel to the legendary fantasy RPG’s Ultima Underworld & Ultima Underworld 2. It not only modernizes the series’ visuals and user interface to take full advantage of the today’s powerful PC’s, it innovates in bold new ways.
Backing the game grants you unprecedented front row access to the creation of the next epoch of this storied masterpiece, Underworld Ascendant.
3rd June 2008 2130 GMT+8
Speed Run added! Thanks to thecybercat.
8th May 2008 0330 GMT+8
Lots of [beta] editors and downloads added to downloads and solutions page. Thanks to UW Editing Central links.
22nd Feb 2005 2230 GMT+8
Added Hacki's Ultima Underworld I Nitpicks. Interesting reading about the holes in the story line.
7th November 2004 2255 GMT+8
Added a guide on running Ultima Underworld I/II under Windows 2000/XP.
17th November 2002 2235 GMT+8