Old News Archive and Poll Results - Started Oct 23 2001
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Old News Archive
22th July 2002 2055 GMT+8
Website seems to have few updates due to having no time and being
occupied with many games. The Sims, Final Fantasy VIII are some
games which keep me away
Keep the contributions and comments/queries coming!
- Added two Midis to the Good
Ol' Music section. Torment and Chrono Trigger.
- Added download for Ultima Underworld Demo
- Seperated the remixes into a new page. Ultima
Music Remixes
- Addition of a Sex
story joke, Kids
story joke.
6th July 2002 ???? GMT+8
Holidays over and back to school. Updates:
23th June 2002 1530 GMT+8
The new design! Tell me what
you think! Any browser mishaps or things that I missed in
the implementation, please inform me. As I always say, only if
you tell me, then I can know the problem.
- In the process of updating the forums, I accidently overrid
the configuration file, losing everything. Apologies.
- Lack of updates due to busy house movement. Just a addition
of external music links in Ultima
Music sections.
- Lots of additions to Little
Jokes - Thanks to Nisha
- Addition of Chris's article of Incompatibilities Between Windows
XP and Windows 95 (UPDATE: 22 July 2002 - Article removed from
website due to content)
- More additions to Laughter
HELL's Misc,
Kids, Sex
and Cool People
- Laughter HELL! additions
to Misc and Kids
- Fixed spelling error in Brad's music piece.
24th May 2002 1415 GMT+8
Exams finished! Back to striking the boot. The design layout
will be displayed here in stages. Feel free(yes, PLEASE) to comment
on the design, whether bad or good.
- Happy news! Got back my exam results! Yeah (I passed duh ).
Anyway, there's a new design I uploaded and here's the description,
it's at in 90% percent changes now. Also thanks to EtrnlSlrMun
again for his design suggestions
- Fixed broken links to the new Interplay FTP system. Thanks
to EtrnlSlrMun!
- Thanks to a private entry in the guestbook, all broken flash
movies have been fixed! Thanks!
- Uploaded the whole website to the new server
- Updated a very quick design of the design.
28th April 2002 2345 GMT+8
All problems not related to design issue should be fixed. Please
inform me if you face any
broken links or any other problems. Remember, only if someone
tells, then I will know and can fix it.
- Added more suggestions to Design Suggestions. Keep them coming.
- Downloads should work now.
- Fixed Kerpal
- She Kicked My Dog Lyrics errors - thanks to "The
- No other updates till redesign .. which I expect to stretch
till mid-May due to my current exams.
20th April 2002 1035 GMT+8
Ganesh's Website is going to go through a big renovation!
We've got a striking domain, Bootstrike.com and that will
also be the new name for this site! Where did I get that name,
you ask? Well, I looked up various combinations in the dictionary
and came up with this, lol.
However, I am still very occupied with my projects and work,
that means more time till the makeover is done. Until then, all
suggestions to this website will be kept in the "Pending"
area. I WILL look into queries however. Keep the emails coming,
it always encourages me, especially the design suggestions.
- Downloads should work now. Due to Dreamweaver's handling of
case sensitivty folders, some links may be broken. Change the
"files" to "Files" or vice versa if a link
does not work. Will fix this in a later time. Have to study
for exams now. Enjoy!
- Entire site moved to Bootstrike.com thanks to James Lewis
of Twister Software
- No other updates till new design is done.
March 12 0000 2002 GMT+8
I'm aware of all the downtime this site
is suddenly going through. The site (excluding the
downloads) currently suck up 50MB of bandwidth per day according
to Tripod's stats. That's 2.5 gigs of bandwidth per month. Tripod's
limit is only 1 gig. There are no plans to move this site, so
you can come back when needed, as I'm certain other hosts will
be like this, not to mention the inconvenience changing the links
the linkers have.
- Site moved Temporarily to Twistsoft.... something is going
to happen to this site! Keep watching .. it's good news.
- I'm putting together a list of
things to consider on my next redesign. Please, add to it
if you know of something wrong with the site.
- Addition of many jokes to the Misc
and Sex sections
of Laughter HELL!
- OLD NEWS: Amazing 3D movie of 10 minutes in just 64KB! You
need Microsoft DirectX
8 to run this amazing movie. Download now!

February 26 1015 2002 GMT+8
Education this semester has become very intensive of projects
than last year. As a result I could devote little time to this
website. The Windows XP FAQ and Windows XP Review updating will
be halted for now.
- It seems that majority of my visitors seem to be coming for
the Windows XP stuffs, particularly the Installing
Windows XP in DOS. These two pages sizes have been largely
reduced by 100%. Yep, from 127KB to 60KB total. All images removed.
If that still doesn't work, I'll have to find out which pages
are sucking the bandwidth and modify them accordingly.
- Copyright statements of the Windows XP stuffs relaxed. You
can now host these files in a website, provided you copy it
in its exact form and it contains a link to my website.
- Merging of New Zealand
Splendour to this domain.
- Addition of two jokes to the Ah Beng section.
January 26 1800 2002 GMT+8
Classes have begun for me, so the website updating frequency
will be considerably reduced. I've become webmaster for the website
of Twister Software.
Ganesh's Website has also passed 100000 hits, and it's very encouraging
Keep comin'.
- Tripod Free has a bandwidth limit of 1GB which I discovered
today after logging in
It was not mentioned in any of the membership details so heavy
files such as flash files are moved to Twister Software's account.
- Added a black background to the Laughter HELL! popup windows
as the text is hard to read against the background on high contrast
- Removed broken Torment mp3 links
For now, only FilePlanet hosts the Torment mp3 files.
- Fixed a minor HTML design flaw, the corners of the green border
should now be properly round.
- Fixed Gwenno music mp3
broken link. I've managed to get back the old file.
- LinkExchange banners have been removed due to low traffic
- Added 1 picture to Kids
section, 6 pictures to Misc
section and 1 joke to Sex
- School section in Laughter
HELL! has been combined with the Kids
- OLD NEWS: Amazing 3D movie of 10 minutes in just 64KB! You
need Microsoft DirectX
8 to run this amazing movie. Download now!

January 7 1200 2002 GMT+8
HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's the 2002 year! The website has grown with
many host movements the previous year. Not to mention the higher
traffic! Also, website traffic has increased two-fold since the
Windows XP inclusions.
December 29 1330 2001 GMT+8
Due to some hard disk partitioning problem, I accidentally deleted
all my hard drive data, including my website and emails
If you had sent me email within the last 1.5 weeks, please resend
the email using the form. There was one guy from Ultima VII Team,
a story-line editor, who emailed me, but I forgot to reply. If
you're reading this, thanks for the comments. I'm honoured to
have people from Origin appreciate my site
December 18 1500 2001 GMT+8
Additions to the website
- As you can see, Ganesh's Website is with Tripod now at the
expense of a banner above. To stop pop-ups, you can use Pop-up
Stopper. This little proggy will stop popups from any site,
and you can disable them by just pressing a key when expecting
a popup Or you can let that one popup that opens be open for
your duration of your visit to this site. No other pop-ups will
pop then.
- Freedom2Surf has sent notice that
the free hosting service ceases 28 Feb 2002. Now on a search
to look for a new host.

- New terrorism
flash movie added to the Laughter HELL! Bin Laden Has Nowhere
To Run - Nowhere To Hide!
- Special Deepavali greetings
to those Indians out there celebrating Deepavali!
- A special guide has
been made to those who want to find out how to install a
new installation Windows XP over your current OS in DOS.
- New Page on Ganesh's Works
added. For now, it just contains the above.
- New Poll
- The screen shot of the old DHTML design has been added!
- Minor changes.
November 26 1730 2001 GMT+8
Additions to the website
- Special Deepavali greetings
to those Indians out there celebrating Deepavali!
- NOTICE: Terms of Usage updated to reflect new service
- Elimination of pop-ups (or pop-unders).
- Previous poll results here!
- New Background
- Added javascript validity to the email page.
- The About Webmaster/Website page
has a section on screen shots of old designs plus previous webhosts.
- Got something to contribute? Check out the newly added Contribute
- Addition of new walkthroughs
for Ultima VII: The Black Gate & Forge Of Virtue.
- Massive upgrading of the links section. More links
have been added to both sections.
November 13 0030 2001 GMT+8
New design to the website as you see. New logo and new tabs added.
To get to a section of a game, click on the game name first, and
then click on the sub-topics of that game you want to go on the
page that loads after that.
- Addition of Ultima
History and Ultima Underworld
II Super Character files.
- Special Deepavali greetings
to those Indians out there celebrating Deepavali!
- Some design bugs squashed (Transparency and over-nested tables)
- New design to the whole website! Any problems faced please
inform me. Thanks to
James Lewis for reminding me

- Forums are still quiet . . . only
if YOU start, it will get active. I lurk over there several
times a day, so please head over there and post any queries
you have.

- Funny Flash movie! Check out the Racing Car Human Sound Simulation
- To avoid confusion to later year updates and this year updates,
the year has been added to the dates above.
- New Poll
- Reformatting of Ultima VII Manual by Ganesh in the Ultima
VII: Black Gate section.
- Addition of Origin's Ultima VII: Forge of Virtue Add-on walkthrough
to the Ultima VII:
Black Gate section.
November 3 1845 2001 GMT+8
Exams are over, with the final one being a huge headache . .oh
well. Time to "charge" my website! Updates:
- Forums are still quiet . . . only
if YOU start, it will get active. Please head over there now.
- A new way to run Ultima7 under windows has been discovered!
Head straight here!
- New Serpent Isle Walkthrough by JP Morris added to the Serpent
Isle Humor section.
- Search (23/10/2005 - link removed, see your left) engine added . . . on trial
- New jokes added to the Cool
People (Ah Beng) section.
- Plans for future updates include creating a website for another
game (candidate being Ultim@te Race Pro), new design to the
website and winamp skins!
October 27 0000 2001 GMT+8
Minor updates.
- All files have been uploaded to the new server. PLEASE
REPORT broken links!
Thank you!
- NEW message board. CHECK IT OUT!!!!
and start posting!
- If you didn't know, this site has a section named "The
Good Ol' Midis", Check it
out! The midis are really great. Duh!
October 24 2330 2001 GMT+8
Please be patient while I complete uploading of 90 megs of data
for you people to download. The important SWF files are uploaded
to TwistSoft.
- Osama's Diplomacy . . another funny flash movie. . check it
- Created a new page to host previous poll results and old news.
It's great reading old updates to myself hehe
- If you didn't know, this site has a section named "The
Good Ol' Midis", Check it
out! The midis are really great. Duh!
October 22 2250 2001 GMT+8
Quick Update. TwistSoft
offered me free storage space in return for a link for their site!
A Link! I would be more than happy to provide more than a link.
Check out their site
for a Ultima Underworld I & II Remake.
- Fixed download link of the 3D movie . . . again, no one told
me about this.
- Added another stones music to the Music
section, by Brad.
- If you didn't know, this site has a section named "The
Good Ol' Midis", Check it
out! The midis are really great. Duh!
- Downloads should be working now . . Yayyy
October 10 2250 2001 GMT+8
This site will have few updates as my exams are in the corner.
Searching for free space is fruitless, will have to try other
ways .
- Amazing 3D movie of 10 minutes in just 64KB! You need Microsoft
DirectX 8 to
run this amazing movie. Download now!
- A new image added to Computer section
September 28 2200 2001 GMT+8
Website moved again to F2S. Sorry for any inconveniences caused,
but the ad frame in SpacePorts is really too much =(.
September 22 2200 2001 GMT+8
I'm Back! Again, my FastTrack motherboard malfunctioned and I
had to send to for service and that took a mighty 1 month. So
for those who were waiting for authorisation in ICQ, now you have
As we all know, Tuesday was the day New York's World Trade Center
was attacked by terrorists. My deepest sympathies to the families
of the people working there affected by the tragedy.
- Due to Yahoo! GeoCities new limits
on bandwidth, this site had to be moved to Spaceports.
It seems a much better host, lively community with forums and
additional space . . all in the expense of a framed ad PLUS
a banner ad =( . . other free hosts seem to be disappearing
. . .for now, this host looks promising.
- NBCi has stopped providing free unlimited space. As of today,
the links (mainly the "GET IT") are still working
(i.e.. no 404 error). As a precaution, the site is monitored
for uptime. However, FTP connections fail, that means, no new
downloads. I have sent an email to Spaceports for additional
webspace of a whopping 150MB, which I hope they will agree on.
- The poll seems to attract a lot of comments and votes. For
now, I'll just leave it as it is.
- Updated links to The Pit website.
- Updated Dan Simpson's Ultima VII Part I Walkthrough, Torment
Advanced Dungeons & Dragon's FAQ, Torment Walkthrough.
- All Your Smurfs . . . CATS interviews a Smurf from The Smurfs,
Check it out here!
This is hosted on SpacePorts btw.
July 4 1800 2001 GMT+8
Some additions
- A guestbook entry suggesting of a poll on Ultima VII becoming
freeware was posted. So a new poll.
- Ad square that covers the story jokes have been removed.
- Added Kerpal - She KICKED my DOG!! lyrics.
July 2 1810 2001 GMT+8
None of the story jokes are working. NO
ONE TOLD ME about this! Except for a guestbook entry
who didn't explain well enough, a visitor whom I asked for a website
critique found this out! =( =(
The story jokes should be working now.
June 30 2300 2001 GMT+8
Been busy with Fallout Tactics, Driver and Diablo II: Lord of
Destruction so little time to squeeze in my time to take care
of this website. And it's July! Time flies fast. Ever since Google
indexed the whole of this site, the daily hits have jumped to
200+! Keep coming!
- Added more jokes to the "Common Tech Support Humor You
May Know Already" in the computer
section and other sections.
- The Ultima and Torment sections are having little updates
due to fewer fan works popping out. If you know of anything
I've missed in the downloads, please tell
- The Message
board is receiving a few posts, thanks to the contributors,
esp. "The Nameless One".
- Feel free to suggest a poll, I've run out of ideas ;-)
- Fixed javascript that occurred in the previous upload.
June 25 2230 2001 GMT+8
Back from the trip, time to get back to business. Minor updates
as I'm just back from the trip, you'll see more in the next update.
- Added the Featured Files link to the navigation (Laughter
- The Message
board is still at silence.
- Added ICQ number (81266509) to the Myself page.
- Very Minor changes.
- New ad and background
June 1 0000 2001 GMT+8
Just some minor additions before leaving the site as it is for
3 weeks.
- Updated the font zip files with more Ultima related fonts.
- The Message
board is still at silence again.
- Added two funny jokes to the Misc
section of Laughter HELL!
- New Poll
- Location parts of the online document modified.
May 28 1630 2001 GMT+8
Couple of new downloads added. Also, this site will not be updated
for about 3 weeks after 31st May since I'm going to Europe! Feel
free to e-mail me, but don't expect a immediate response.
- The Message board is back to silence
again. =( =( It's been a bit active thanks to "The Nameless
One" and "cookdd", but that was a week ago.
- Another AWESOME stones remix mp3 added! This time, it's by
DJLizard. Check it out in the Music
- For those aspiring musicians looking for the Stones sheet
music, you can download the PDF right here!
You can also get the lyrics there.
- Added two links, one to Ultima Thule
and another to my own 'other' site, New Zealand Splendour.
- Added a "Virtual Bonds" joke to the computer