Ultima VII: The Black Gate
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Ultima VII Cheat Room Guide by Matthew Francois

I have found out that you can get to the cheat room in 
Ultima VII: The Black Gate without cheating. Here is a file 
that I made telling you haow to do it and a chart of the 
place. Please give it to anyone and email me if you think 
I must change it. Thank you. 

Fallen Dragon 

                Ultima VII: The Black Gate Cheat Room Notes 
                            By Matthew Francois 
      N          |_|  |:|I have just found out that you can land the 
      |       _       |:|magic carpet beside the second tree at the east 
      |      | |  +   |:|side of Britain and walk into the tree to get to 
 W----+----E | | +<---|:|the cheat room. You don't have to use the cheat 
      |      |_|      |:|program ever again, thanks to me! I have made a 
      |           ____|:|chart of the places that the teleporters take you 
      S       ___|::::::|so I hope you enjoy! Please give this to anyone but 
            _|::::::::::|please leave in the part that says I did it. 
___________|::::::::::::|Thank you. 
        |            | 
        | A B    C D | A) Sphere Generator 
        |            | B) Buccaneer's Den 
        | E F    G H | C) Special place with lots of goodies 
        |            | D) Dungeon Despise 
        | I J    K L | E) Cube Generator 
________|    ________| F) Serpent's Hold 
|            |         G) The Throne of Lord British 
|    M N     |         H) Dark Tower 
|   O   P    |         I) Tetrahedron Generator 
|   Q   R    |         J) Terfin 
|    S T     |         K) The Throne of The Guardian 
|_________   |         L) The Black Gate 
          |  |         M) Moonglow 
          |  |         N) Britain 
          |  |         O) New Magincia 
          |  |_______  P) Jhelom 
          |          | Q) Skara Brae 
          |_______   | R) Empath Abbey 
                  |  | S) Trinsic 
                  |  | T) Vesper 

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