Ultima VII: The Black Gate
Home > Ultima Worlds > Ultima VII: The Black Gate > Hints & Tips > Hidden Treasure by Ultimate Red Dragon

Hidden Treasure Source: Ultimate Red Dragon's Website


hidden treasures that I have found

117 South
42 West

go west through mountainside.

125 South
73 West

is a cave. There is a little area just south of the two treasure chests with a bag in the bag is the key to the chests. This area is usually guarded.

145 South
74 West

there is a cave there that should have some interesting items. It is usually guarded.

167 South
74 West

is another cave. I have found this to usually be Heavelly guarded.

78 South
199 East

this is a pirate shipwereck I think. (can anyone explain the glowing eyes on the headpiece.)

90 South
37 West

it's annother cave.

15 North
37 East

Stonegate castle (or what is left of it) has a lot of helpful items including a Magebane, and a Magicians wand in the little room in the south-west corner (you can only see the top of it. You can reach Stonegate by putting and walking on planks of wood (it is in the middle of a swamp.) You should start to the east fo the location I gave you.

84 North
14 East

is a prison (or what is left of one.) The guards may attack you but the trip is worth it if you search the whole prison.

61 North
22 East

another run down prison. Be careful the wisps may attack you.

39 North
30 East

yet another run down prison.

0 South
67 East


43 North
119 East


3 South

another cave.

5 South
175 East

the last cave that I will mention.

41 North
159 East

a pirate hideout in the desert.

169 South
132 East

The Hidden Gargoyal Mines on Terfin.

20 North
6 East

pirate treasure.

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