Having been in the market and experienced the major offerings, we have done up a page of security suite recommendations and solutions.
We use their products personally and have had great experience with it which is why we recommend them there.
All-In-One System Security Protection (Choose one)
Anti-Virus Protection (Choose one)
Anti-Spyware Protection (Choose one)
We recommend all three programs to be installed and scanning your system once per week. However, we do not recommend enabling real time protection on all three as it can cause a noticeable performance impact.
Automated Backup Solution
Keep backups of your system automatically. From our own experience, we recommend backing up manually the files you need to backup. What could be easier if one software could just replicate the entire hard disk to a single file?
Te imaging solution below can make an image of your entire drive and you don't have to worry about files you may have missed out.