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Why Internet Explorer 7 / Internet Explorer 8 Sucks
Version 0.53

This article explains why the new Internet Explorer 7 / Internet Explorer 8 sucks.

Before (IE6 - Classic Theme)

After (IE7 - Classic Theme)

After (IE8 - Classic Theme)

Can't have the menu bar on top

The menu bar is just disabled, not entirely gone. Right click on an empty area and I was able to restore the menu bar. However, it only appeared below the row where it contains the back and forward buttons.

There's no way to make it appear on top. No matter how I dragged the slider.

It is possible to force the bar to the top, by means of a registry hack. Riiight...

UPDATE IE8 (Apr 22 2009): IE8 has the same issue as well :(

Can't Restore the original toolbar buttons

I prefer my Back, Forward, Stop and Refresh buttons as the first few buttons on the top - the classic IE6 way.

And the Refresh and Stop buttons go right to the end of the row. Can't we have a "Classic View" as IE6 has?

UPDATE IE8 (Apr 22 2009): IE8 allows moving the two buttons to the left by right-clicking an empty toolbar area, 'Customize' and 'Show Stop and Refresh Buttons before Address Bar'. However, you still can't revert to the IE6 classic view with large buttons and labels.

Can't remove search bar

Google toolbar already does this, thank you very much.

Right-click? Nope. The only items you can remove from the interface is the.... *drum roll* ..... status bar.

PS - you can't move the address bar too. Or the order of buttons in the standard toolbar for that matter.

Update: The search bar can be removed by means of a registry hack.

UPDATE IE8 (Apr 22 2009):

IE8 has the same issue as well :( But it can be removed via... (drum roll) .. gpedit.msc > Local Computer Policy > User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer > "Prevent Internet Explorer Search Box from displaying" (source). So much effort just to remove a Search Bar?

By the way, Group Policy editor only works for Professional XP users so home users have to manually adjust the registry.

IE8 also now allows removing of the Command Bar. But that is the only additional thing you can remove as compared to IE7 through the interface.

Can't access EMail/Newsgroups in one click

Where is the one click button to access my email?

UPDATE IE8 (Apr 22 2009): IE8 does not have this feature back as well :(

Empty tab is a funny idea

I want to open a tab by either hitting Ctrl+T, Ctrl+N or File > New Tab. That's how Maxthon and Firefox works. And I like that idea. Having an empty tab on the far right takes up space and gives a visual misunderstanding to me that there is an unattended tab.

Microsoft could have at least set this as an option.

UPDATE IE8 (Apr 22 2009): IE8 does not have this feature as well :(

Opening a link in a new tab does not copy history

In IE6, when you click a link while holding the SHIFT button, it opens the link in a new window while maintaining the back button entries. It was very useful when you need to open a tab and maintain the same history as well.

In IE7, that feature is gone.

UPDATE IE8 (Apr 22 2009): IE8 does not have this feature back as well :(

Tabs Row filled with buttons at the end

The row of tabs should not have any buttons! It is meant for tabs and only tabs.

Perhaps Microsoft was thinking that normal users use only a few tabs at one time.

UPDATE IE8 (Apr 22 2009): YES! You can now move the buttons to join with the toolbars. You can even remove it completely!

Complaints Galore!

Just check the Microsoft Internet Explorer newsgroup. Google gives it a High Activity rating.

What Rocks

  • Multiple tabs
  • Better Security (Phishing, ActiveX, Protected Mode)
  • Each-Tab-In-One-Process (ala Chrome) (Internet Explorer 8)

IE7 looks to be released to battle Firefox. For me, it is back to Maxthon 2. which uses the IE7 engine but with a much improved frontend.

IE8 still loses out to Firefox and Maxthon 2. Although IE8 boasts features such as InPrivate, Each-Tab-In-One-Process (ala Chrome) and better web standards compatibility, what I am more concerned about is the front end interface. Which still fails. Hopefully Microsoft will allow more customizability optons with future updates or in IE9.

Last Updated 22nd April 2009.

Errors? Omissions? Need Help? Know something? Post your queries in the Discussion Forum.

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Kennygdoubt (1 posts) Kennygdoubt dam ill say, ie 7 and 8 suck, why the need to put all this extra crap on it, its not nessecary, who uses it anyway.
posted 21 Aug 2009 - Reply - Permanent Link
Unregistered Anonymous IE8 is a giant clusterf@ck computer geek patch blanket. Can't find anything, nothing works !!!!
posted 12 Aug 2009 - Reply - Permanent Link
Leon Redbone Unregistered Anonymous And also, why the freak do even need tabs? I open everything in its own window. So what if i have 6 or 7 windows open at once, how freaking hard is that to navigate? Tabs are of no use whatsoever to me.
And come on people, you dont freaking need a search bar in your browser. Dont you know how to "send shortcut to desktop" of a website that you use constantly? I have a neat little row of search sites, only 3 or 4 on my desktop that I can easily click on without the help of my browser. I only use scroogle, odp, wiki and clusty. There is no use or reason for any other search site. Why the FREAK do you need to have that crap clogging up your browser view? I swear people today have the minds of 5 year olds, and I apologize to actual 5 year olds, because they are wiser than that.
posted 2 Aug 2009 - Reply - Permanent Link
Leon Redbone Unregistered Anonymous I dont need a freaking search toolbar!
I am not so stupid that I cant simply click on the scroogle icon which I placed on my desktop to search for something. I dont need my browser to guide me along like i'm 5 years old.
What a Joke!
I unistalled ie8 immediately, what a mistake to even download it. Plus they got a whole long toolbar just to put the favorites button on it, when the favorites button is already on the menu bar!
What kind of a loser programmer/developer designed that stupid addition?
Give ie6 anyday or firefox. Ill never go any higher than ie6 if these fools are going to keep designing browsers like this.
posted 2 Aug 2009 - Reply - Permanent Link
Lori Ryan Unregistered Anonymous IE 7 and 8 are both pitiful, in my view. Way back when IE 7 came out I downloaded it as part of a microsoft update, and I was APALLED!....couldn't change it back to IE6 fast enough!! Personally I LIKE having windows versus tabs, and I certainly like my buttons. Glad some folks like IE 6 and 7, but it's just not for me....and only 2 pages open? hmmmmm....just hope I can continue to use IE6 for a while.
posted 28 Jun 2009 - Reply - Permanent Link
Anon Unregistered Anonymous (censored)..ctrl-t does open a new tab in IE7. And you can set it to either open your homepage or a blank tab. Not saying IE7 is good, but it IS better than IE6, at least it HAS tabs. Next time do your research properly though. kthnxbai

Last edited by Admin 8 Mar 2009 . Reason: (censored)
posted 8 Mar 2009 - show 1 replies - Reply - Permanent Link
Admin Administrator Admin The point was the needless 'empty tab' at the far right. The other point was since the keyboard shortcuts and menu commands exist, why have an empty tab?
posted 8 Mar 2009 - Reply - Permanent Link
Chris K Greece Unregistered Anonymous IE doesn't even compare to Firefox !
Shame on you Microsoft ! Billy , you failed 100% !
IE , especially no.7 , is total garbage !
IT JUST SUCKS ! I know what I'm talking about , I work as a web developer.
I expected much more from the so-called "leading company in pc technology".
posted 2 Feb 2009 - show 1 replies - Reply - Permanent Link
Unregistered Anonymous i'd love to change to firefox but unfortunately favourites works and bookmarks doesn't appear to do anything useful whatsoever
posted 9 Mar 2010 - Reply - Permanent Link
johno Unregistered Anonymous IE 7 = Total rubbish. I tried it for a few days then ininstalled it and went back to IE6 and Firefox. Generallly I use Firefox for browsing and for any sites that don't like it I fall back on IE6. The main problem I have with IE7 is it's speed or the lack of it. Just painfully slow. Possibly due to the built in security. I also hate the interface with a passion.

At work I'm forced to use this horrible browser cos that's what the company uses and if I'd had a gun I'm sure I would have either shot myself or the pc.All it does is crash. I can't even open multiple tabs without the damn thing crashing out on me.
Summing it up IE7 is just another MS failure. Anyone remember Windows ME?
posted 5 Dec 2008 - Reply - Permanent Link
kris Unregistered Anonymous IE7 is a total nightmare from a developer's point-of-view. Hello, Mr Gates ever heard of w3c standards? IE just makes life harder for no reason. Total and utter bulls*%t!!!
posted 22 Sep 2008 - Reply - Permanent Link
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Unregistered Anonymous How can you limit the size of the name box to twentys spaces (nineteen letters)? Are you soliciting false names, or are you simply unaware that much of world's population has long names by American standards? Whoooo!

IE7 sucks because Microsoft sucks. They hire and fire, hire and fire, so that there's little or no continuity. All software bears the "personality" of it author. Hence, Microsoft spaghetti code.

Now that Firefox has finally "decided" to obey the CSS rules and display pages as IE does, it's now my browser of choice.

posted 4 Jul 2008 - Reply - Permanent Link
Lincoln Unregistered Anonymous Although I use Firefox as my main browser mainly because it's much faster. From an interface perspective l prefer the cleaner IE7 over the clutter of IE6. As for the Google toolbar and all other third party toolbars they've caused more problems on computers at work then the browser. BTW there is history on the arrow next to the back and forward icons.
posted 9 May 2008 - Reply - Permanent Link
Kokomanabean Unregistered Anonymous I just want new tools to be improved tools, not repackaged.

The thing I hate is that there is no history on the BACK and FORWARD buttons. Maybe there is a way to fix that, ... I don't know.

posted 18 Mar 2008 - Reply - Permanent Link
baljeetd Unregistered Anonymous Opera is the intelligent choice in browsers. However, due to there being a few non-compliant websites out there, you'll need to revert to IE 6 or 7 < 1% of the time.
posted 1 Jan 2008 - Reply - Permanent Link
Cliff Unregistered Anonymous IE7 came with my new XP-included PC. Uninstalled it the second I set the machine up. I use Firefox anyways, and if I really need IE for something, just use IETab.
posted 14 Nov 2007 - Reply - Permanent Link
Omg Unregistered Anonymous crap sound!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 10 Sep 2007 - Reply - Permanent Link

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