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Services > Search Engine Optimization > Self-Analyze Your Site's Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Performance

Search Engine Optimization - SEOMany sites offer a service to analyze your site's performance in the major search engines for $1000++ dollars.

We feel analysing your site's search engine performance is not worth the $1000 you pay some companies for. Here's what we do, and what you can do too on your own to analyze your site's search engine ranking position (SERP).

  1. Google Analytics
    Install and run Google Analytics into your site for about a week if you have not already done so. You will be able to see the keywords visitors use that drive traffic to your site as well as how they generally navigate around. You can even narrow down to the screen resolution and operating system they use.
  2. Google Webmaster Tools
    Provides information on problems with your domain, as well as top scoring keywords you may not have been aware of in Google. Tells you if there are problems with the meta tags in your domain.
  3. Google Keyword Tool
    Which keyword should your site target for? This tool can give you an idea. Start with entering a general keyword that describes your business and then narrow into a few keywords that relates to your business with a moderate level of search volume.
  4. Google Search Based Keyword Tool
    With this tool, you can find out what keywords people use to get to your site if you have not setup Analytics or Webmaster Tools yet. The cool thing is, you can even analyze a competitor's site! Go wild!
  5. Google Trends For Websites
    Another tool to analyze your site and your competitors. Enter your web address in the box at the top to get an idea of who your competitors can be.
  6. Google Blog Search
    Enter your domain in the search box and see what bloggers are saying about your site
  7. Yahoo Site Explorer
    Provides information on problems with your domain, as well as top scoring keywords you may not have been aware of in Yahoo
  8. Bing Webmaster Tools
    Provides information on problems with your domain, as well as top scoring keywords you may not have been aware of in Bing

And finally, Google.Com! Use the following searches to view who has linked to your site and what has been said about your site and your company. Use double-quotes around the phrase where possible.

For example, for, the following searches reveal much more information

    Shows pages which link to the splash page at Note that using Webmaster Tools reveals much more information
  2. ""
    Show pages with the URL in the text
  3. ""
    Shows what people are saying about your site in Facebook

And so on. You can use the third search query to narrow it down to social networking sites such as Twitter and Digg as well.

For those who want to do SEO on their own, Google has a good PDF guide on SEO optimizing your sitel.

How You Can Monitor Your Site's SEO Level

SEO is not a one time process. You should keep tabs on how your site is being indexed online. We recommend the following free services to monitor your site's performance closely. However, setup of the following requires some technical skills. We recommend taking up our Standard Plus SEO package for the optimum SEO for your website.

  1. Google Alerts
    How would you like to be alerted whenever some site mentions your domain name? This is where Google Alerts comes in. It covers the main Google Search as well as Blog Search. You may want to setup keywords alerts stated in the previous section
  2. Google Analytics
    Monitor detailed statistics about how visitors reach your site, how long they stay and what kind of operating system, screen resolution or country they use.
  3. Google Webmaster Tools
    Monitor information on problems with your domain, as well as top scoring keywords you may not have been aware of in Google
  4. Yahoo Site Explorer
    Monitor information on problems with your domain, as well as top scoring keywords you may not have been aware of in Yahoo!
  5. Bing Webmaster Tools
    Monitor information on problems with your domain, as well as top scoring keywords you may not have been aware of in Bing
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