In this game you are on an Island called SERPENT ISLE in search of Batlin, he may of got away in the Black Gate, but this time you have to track him down with your party and stop his evil doings. The graphics are slightly better than the Black Gate but still the same movement and combat.
I don't have much info on this game but I have lots of hints and cheats, here is one:
In the cave that connects the northern woods to the frozen ice lands, search around until you discover a room with a moon gate in the centre. Enter the moon gate and you'll be teleported to a crypt like place. A ghost be there and eventually drop a scroll for you to read. Read it and get the key. Take the key to the House of Wears near Monitor and unlock the door. Walk inside for a surprising discovery on the table to the north.
Now for a nice and very helpful cheat:
With Silver Seed Add On: When loading the game at the DOS prompt type
And in the game the following keys are active:
F2 Cheat Menu
F3 Teleport Map
Instead of typing just serpent pass type
the ps will include the 'eggs' in the game.
SERPENT PASS - For normal cheat mode
SERPENT PASS S - For programmer Debug mode
SERPENT MANIMAL For normal cheat mode
SERPENT MANIMAL S For Programmer Debug mode
When travelling around The Serpent Isle, anywhere infact, it is best to wear some kind armour, even if it's just a leather breast plate. I have written a small peice about the arms and armour.
Arms and Armour
Though I have no need for such provisions, many are the common journeymen who find use in weapons and armour, and longer-lived is the adventurer who chooses such items wisely. My disregard for arms and such leaves me inexperienced, but I have overheard enough loose tongues spewing tales of heroic bravado that I can relate what others claim.
Armour and Shields
Armours main use lies not in its ability to prevent anothers blow from landing, but from its ability to prevent, or at least decrease, damage caused by the opponents strike. Most armour is pieced together to cover six main regions of the body. The three most vital are the torso, neck and head. While most defenders naturally pro-tect these three areas more than their extremities, limbs are also integral to survival.
Thus, it is important to provide armour for all parts of the body, including the remaining three regions the arms, legs and feet. While these latter three are easier to live without, the appendages are directly in the line of fire, if thou wilt permit the turn of phrase, and therefore struck more often. Armour is crafted from four types of material: leather, metal scales, chain mail (or chain links) and metal plates.
For the most part, the thicker the material, the higher the level of protection. In addition, the thicker the material, the heavier and more expensive it is. Leather, being light and inex-pensive, is useful for those less likely to face powerful foes. But were one to enter a war-torn bat-tlefield without metal armour of some sort, I would assume the warrior poor, weak, or fatally foolish!
Although a shield serves the same function as armour, its form is entirely differ-ent. A shield does little to reduce the effects of a blow; its main purpose is to deflect attacks away from the fighter. Personally, I see little difference, but many warriors have sworn to the distinction. I do, however, know that the experienced combatant wears the best armour and carries the sturdiest shield that money can buy and endurance will permit.
According to sources, the simplest definition of a weapon is anything that extends the range and enhances the wounding capability of the wielder. I cannot argue, for that sounds logical to me. Weapon selection seems to be as important a decision as armour selection, as each type leads to a variety of effects. There are four main types of weapons: blud-geoning, cutting, piercing and projectile.
Apparently, some weapons blur the dis-tinction, their versatility making them exceptionally valuable. Swords are very useful, as blades slice through skin quite easily. The main drawback, it appears, is that armour is very effective protection against them. In contrast, blunt weapons such as maces and clubs deliver their punch, limited though it might be, based on the brute strength of the wielder, nearly ignoring the protection of the target. The third weapon type, piercing, performs much like cutting weapons.
Piercing weapons require less force to penetrate armour but leave more devastating wounds upon the flesh. And projectile weapons, often referred to as missile weapons, include any tool that permits the attacker to strike at a distance. As far as I can see, many of these weapon types do overlap. Most swords can cut and pierce; a two-handed sword can bludgeon and cut; an arrow is a piercing missile weapon; and a slung rock is a bludgeoning projectile. Presumably, it is up to the individual warrior to chose a preferred form of attack based on his or her per-sonal strengths and weaknesses. To be candid, I find the Vas Corp Hur spell much more effective.
Now, here is a list of useful items that you can create during the game, using the cheat mode. In the game just press F2 then C to create an item and type in the following. NOTE if there is a dash "-" then a number this is the FRAME NUMBER, for all other items with no dash & number enter the frame number as "0"
Ultima 7 - create item list, orignal file TEXT.FLX - found in the STATIC directory.
160: Serpent gate
178: Cloth map
231: Magebane sword
241: Staff
249: Oracle
258: Keg
262: Blackrock serpent
330: Serpent rune
340: Potions
377: Food items
383: Magic helm
404: Food
417: Magic bolts
419: Breast plate
450: Orb
452: Wand
456: Flux analyzer
467: Magic plants
474: Magic sling
486: Usecode Container
489: Rod
490: Dupre's shield
519: Moon's Eye
527: Death bolt
535: Dragonslayer sword
547: Magic sword
548: Sceptre
549: Lightning whip
551: Fire sword
552: Magic axe
553: Firedoom staff
554: Burst arrows
555: Serpent jawbone
556: Magic arrows
557: Juggernaut hammer
558: Lucky arrows
559: Serpent tooth
563: Blowgun
564: Poison dagger
567: Sword of defense
568: Sleep arrows
573: Plate armour
576: Plate leggings
580: Gauntlets
583: Bed roll
587: Boots - 1 for magic boots
591: Serpent arrows
592: Spears
595: Torch
596: Morning star
604: Glass sword
606: Magic bow
608: Decorative sword
609: Kite shield
614: Magic music player
627: Lockpicks
629: Lightning wand
630: Fire wand
635: Serpent Earrings
636: Serpent daggers
637: Serpent sword
638: Serpent Armour
640: Serpent Staff
641: Keys
644: Gold coins
645: Gold nuggets
646: Gold bars
648: Sleeping powder
650: Sextant
663: Magic shield
666: Magic armour
686: Magic leggings
710: Ophidian sword
711: Infinity bow
715: Magic scroll - 1,2,3,4 etc. for different spells
722: Arrows
723: Bolts
726: Pulsating object
727: Dream Crystal
728: Force_Wall
760: Gem
761: Spellbook
771: Rudyom's Wand
784: Web of Fate
792: Magicians wand
794: Severed limb
799: Body part
802: Bag
803: Basket
806: The Black Sword
835: Magic gauntlets
836: Antique armor
842: Reagents - 1,2,3,4 etc. to chang reagent
926: Serpent sceptre
927: Serpent slot
929: Philanderer's Friend
934: Magic telescope
942: Hammer of dedication
948: Filari
951: Monetari
952: Guilders
955: Amulet
965: Glowing sphere
988: Magic compass
990: Erinons Axe
996: Belt of Strength
1001:Gauntlets of Speed
1013:Helm of Light
If you know any more items that could be useful please let me know
I have written a list of very useful Magic Items
Key Ring.
Every key you add to your inventory while you have this key ring automatically attaches itself to the key ring. (You can also Use a key on the key ring to add it to the ring.) The key disappears, and there is no more searching for the appropriate key in your inventory. Dont lose it; it will be gone forever, along with any keys that are on it. See Hot Keys (below) for how to Use the key ring.
Helm of Light.
This helm serves as a permanent light source you dont have to carry a lit torch while wearing it. Your hands will be free to carry weapons and shields. It has a Defense Value of 4, and keeps you warm like a fur helm. Wear it as you would wear a normal helm.
Belt of Strength.
This belt increases your strength by ten points. Wear it as your regular belt. (Make sure that the belt slot is open before you try to put it on.)
Ring of Shal.
This ring supplies you with unlimited reagents to cast spells. Slip it on your finger like a normal ring, and you no longer need to collect reagents. It cannot help anyone else.
Gloves of Karas the Quick.
These gloves increase your dexterity by ten points. They have the same Defense Value as magic gauntlets (3). Make sure that you arent wearing any other gloves or gauntlets before you try to put them on.
Erinons Axe.
This powerful weapon increases your combat ability by ten points. Its Damage is 20 and it has a Reach of 4. (It can not be thrown.) The axe automatically equips to your right hand if you are not holding anything else in that hand.
The orbs have no use beyond the Silver Seed quest.
Silver Seed.
You must plant the Silver Seed at a hallowed site. It is the seed for the magic Tree of Balance. This tree can save Serpent Isle from destruction.
Hot Keys
The Silver Seed provides you with several new hot keys, usable both in this module and while playing the rest of Serpent Isle. Several recurring procedures needed to play your game are now a matter of a single keystroke.
Note that Serpent Isle keystrokes and all other functions remain the same.
Checking the Time. If you have a pocket watch, you can always find out what time it is by pressing W on your keyboard.
Feeding Yourself and Your Party. To feed yourself and/or your party members, press F and click on the hungry person with your mouse. This function will feed that party member until he or she is full. (This assumes that someone in your party is currently carrying food. F doesnt create food, it just quickly distributes any food that is available.)
Using Keys. If you have the magic key ring, you dont have to search through your keys any more. Press K and cross-hairs appear. Click the cross-hairs on a locked item and if you have the right key the item opens. (Once you add a key to this ring, you can not remove it again, but dont worry; there will be no reason to.) Magically locked doors still require a spell.
Picking Locks. If you have a set of lock picks in your inventory, press P anytime you want to attempt to pick a lock.