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About Bootstrike.Com

Bootstrike.Com first started in October 1997 at my old ISP, providing a little info on myself and a Ultima VII Walkthrough, all in two pages. As weeks pass by, I found out my leisure is sitting in front of the computer looking for new things to include in the site. The result, you see this. It is still being constantly updated.

Previous web hosts in order as best as I can remember: Pacific Net, Singnet (changed ISP), Geocities (insufficient space, and Xoom (now closed), 2 times as name changed), SpacePorts (very short, despise the ad frame), FreedomToSurf (ceasing of free service), Tripod (bandwidth overuse), MobileRingTonez courtesy of James Lewis of Twister Labs (server had to move), on Philip Veale's server, Hosting Zoom (16th Aug 2005, DNS and raw log problems), Dreamhost (June 2021 price increase after 14 years with them) and now on Namecheap.

Currently the site is receiving daily unique hits of 3000 - 5000. I've received many comments on the site, mostly positive and a few negatives popping in once in a while. The site is heavily dependent on PHP, where I built the Bootstrike Comments system on. It is a add-on module used to allow a comments feature to be added to any page.

Website Designs

Here it is. Bootstrike.Com had many design makeovers so far. All these were done 100% by me (till Marc came over). Click on the image to get a bigger view.

Design #1 (Initial) Design #2 (Mar 2001) Design #3 (Nov 2001)
Design #1 (Initial)

It has DHTML Menu style menus and bloated HTML code, with Frontpage. Quite messy too, to add .
Design #2 (Mar 2001)

A better interface. Got a new toy to play with, Dreamweaver, and this is what I came out with. Farewell to Frontpage.
Design #3 (Nov 2001)

A much neater interface. The navigation has been brought to the top with XP-style new tabs for quick links. Kinda stylish .
Design #4 (June 2002) Design #5 (Sept 2003) Design #6 (May 2005)
Design #4 (June 2002)

OK I admit it, the previous design sucked. This new design combines the previous two designs. I like this design a lot compared to the rest.
Design #5 (Sept 2003)

For this design, many inputs were gathered and implemented. Header size reduced, new options and
Design #6 (May 2005)

Needed some slight changes, so here is the new one. Thanks to Marc
Design #7 (Jan 2008) Design #8 (Jan 2008) Design #9 (Sep 2019)
Design #7 (Jan 2008)

Minus the lines and a cleaner interface. And to a white background! Image updated on July 2009.
Design #8 (??)

More removal of colours and just a plain layout
Design #9 (Sep 2019)

Now Responsive

Page Last Updated 29 June 2021.

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